Awards & Credentials
We are proud to be affiliated with our industry’s leading organizations.
Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency, Veteran Friendly Employer
MVAA recognizes employers that commit to military veteran recruitment, training and retention practices.
Professional Affiliations
Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA)
ACCA is a non-profit association whose membership includes more than 60,000 professionals and 4,000 businesses in the indoor environment and energy services community. We work together to promote professional contracting, energy efficiency, and healthy, comfortable indoor environments.
National Comfort Institute, Inc. (NCI)
NCI-certified professionals help you solve a wide variety of comfort and safety issues in your home, with a focus upon measureable results and utmost professionalism.
Huron Valley Chamber of Commerce
Since 1962, the Huron Valley Chamber of Commerce has worked to improve the economy and quality of life in the Huron Valley area.
Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce
The mission of the Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce is to partner with business, civic and other community interests to provide a forum for their respective concerns, while providing business advocacy in the economic development of the Greater West Oakland area.